What Makes Us Different

Unlike our competitors, we are not looking to become a “copy shop”, or a deposition provider, or a trial consulting firm, or looking to specialize in any other “Legal Process Outsourcing” task. Instead, we are simply focused on making eDiscovery better, faster and more affordable for our clients.


eDiscovery is too complex. Most eDiscovery service providers have multiple individuals who are staffed on matters that have limited technical experience in core eDiscovery applications, and very limited experience in explaining, creating and consulting on eDiscovery project management with outside counsel. As a result, costs spiral out of control, outside counsel ends up being poorly informed, and cutting-edge legal technology solutions are either poorly utilized, underutilized or not utilized at all.

Our approach is very different. We offer the full suite of our data hosting technology that allows outside counsel to collect process, analyze and produce data. Every matter at Connect is curated by an individual who has prior experience in project management working in biglaw firms on the “ground floor” of the intersection of law and technology. Further, each one of those individuals is certified in the core eDiscovery applications that they are utilizing. This allows our clients to gain access to a wealth of experience that has been harnessed across hundreds of eDiscovery matters. The end result is that each matter is informed by best practices in eDiscovery project management by our team that patiently works to implement cutting edge legal technology, including big data analytics and predictive coding or technology assisted review (“TAR”), to realize dramatic efficiencies and cost savings.


eDiscovery is too slow. Whether it be the speed of the applications themselves, or the amount of time it takes for data to be ready for substantive review, eDiscovery can be very frustrating and time-consuming. In some cases due to the delays, outside counsel is put in a disadvantageous position by their adversary or miss critical court-appointed discovery deadlines.

We utilize data centers that are powered by BlueArc equipment, which allows Connect to process millions of documents per day. From this data center, Connect offers services to our clients for data management and case review. Hosted on two redundant 100Mb/sec lines connected to different points of presence on the Sprint backbone, your documents will be available at lightning fast speeds – which means less time waiting for the technology, and more time spent winning your cases.


eDiscovery is too expensive. In a time where corporate legal departments and outside counsel are looking to realize cost-savings as much as possible, the eDiscovery services industry has held fast to the $18,000 per gigabyte approach. In the absence of corporations and outside counsel outright demanding cost-savings and change, the eDiscovery services providers have little incentive to begin discounting their costs. The end result is that clients end up paying far more for their matters than initially anticipated because their service providers costs are so high, or their matters are being filled with completely unnecessary costs for work that didn’t need to be performed.

At Connect, we take a very different approach. Our costs have been intentionally priced between 35% to 50% lower than our industry competitors. We are able to meet these costs as a function of our size, our project management workflows and our unique approach to managing eDiscovery. Additionally, we simply forgo charging for tasks that each of our competitors charge, such as loading fees, export fees, archival fees, or a flurry of other costs. We are very transparent about the costs that we do charge, and are happy to share these costs with our clients so they can begin to immediately understand the value proposition of partnering with an eDiscovery services provider like Connect versus our competitors costs.